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Destiny 2: How to Effectively Manage Your Loot - Expert Tips and Tricks

16 Mar 2024
Destiny 2: How to Effectively Manage Your Loot - Expert Tips and Tricks

(Image Credit: Bungie)

Welcome to the intricate world of Destiny 2, where your success is just as dependent on your combat skills as it is on efficiently managing the array of loot you come across on your interstellar adventures. If you've ever found yourself puzzled over the sheer volume of weapons, armor, and various other goodies filling up your inventory, you're not alone. Figuring out what to keep, what to infuse, and how to maximize your spoils is vital to becoming a seasoned Guardian. This necessity goes beyond mere collection – it's about mastering the synergy between your arsenal and your approach to the game's challenges.

Embarking on this journey through Destiny 2's loot system, we'll arm you with expert tips to not only effectively manage your inventory but also to enhance your overall gameplay experience. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a newcomer eager to navigate through the game's myriad of items, this article serves as a guide to help you sort, store, and utilize your loot to its fullest potential. Subsequent sections will delve into inventory management fundamentals, strategies for maximizing loot drops, and the significance of Exotic and Legendary items, as well as practical advice on masterworking, infusion, and the strategic use of your vault. Prepare to revolutionize the way you handle your Destiny 2 loot with insights designed for optimal inventory optimization.

Understanding the Basics of Loot in Destiny 2

Alright, Guardian, let's dive into the loot universe of Destiny 2 and unravel the mysteries of managing your treasures. Remember, knowledge is just as powerful as your in-game gear.

Loot Breakdown:

  • Weapons and Armor: The bread and butter of your arsenal. Each piece comes with a 'power level' that contributes to your overall might. Keep an eye out for those numbers; higher means mightier.
  • Engrams: These are your loot-filled hexagonal crystal balls, color-coded for your convenience. Decrypt them to reveal the goodies inside.
  • Power Level: This is the average of all your gear's power levels. It's the number that dictates if you'll be the hero or the sidekick in challenging activities.

Maximizing Your Gear:

  • Weapon Perks: Weapons come with random perks. Some are keepers, and some are not. It's all about the roll, so dismantle the duds and keep the studs.
  • Armor 2.0: This system lets you slot in mods to buff up your armor. Think of it as tailoring your gear to fit your playstyle.
  • Loot Acquisition: Keep your eyes peeled for enemy drops, mission rewards, and bounties. They're your primary loot sources.

Power Level Pursuit:

  • Soft Cap: Initially, loot scales with your power level, up to a certain point, known as the soft cap (currently at 500).
  • Beyond the Soft Cap: Once you hit that cap, you'll need to hunt down "powerful" engrams from specific activities to keep climbing the power ladder.
  • Gear Slots and Management: You've got nine gear slots to play dress-up with. Most blue gear can be dismantled, but check for those god rolls first.

Expert Tips for Inventory Optimization:

  • Utilize the Vault: With 500 slots, the vault is your personal treasure chest. Use it wisely to save, dismantle, or infuse gear based on its power level and your needs.
  • Collections Tab: It's your gear library. Here, you can reacquire items you've earned, for a price in legendary shards and glimmer.
  • Strategic Dismantling: Pay attention to weapon types and archetypes. Before breaking anything down, consider its perks, stats, and how it fits into the current meta.

Guardians, as you venture through Destiny 2, remember that managing your loot effectively is crucial. Use these insights to keep your inventory in check and your power level soaring. Now, go forth and conquer with confidence!

Effective Inventory Management Tips

Alright, Guardians, let's get your loot sorted with some effective inventory management tips that'll keep your gear game strong and your frustration levels low.

Vault Management 101:

  • Storing Loot: When your pockets are bursting, head over to the Vault. Hit that square button on your PlayStation (or the equivalent on your platform) to stash your treasures. It's like a bank, but for space warriors. Free up that precious inventory space without saying goodbye to your loot.
  • App & Website Magic: Use the Destiny Companion App or the Destiny Inventory Manager (DIM) website to shuffle your gear around without breaking a sweat. Manage your items on-the-go and make sure you're always battle-ready.

Optimize Like a Pro with DIM:

  • Inventory at Your Fingertips: DIM lets you peek into your entire inventory across all characters. Swap items mid-game and optimize your armor for that sweet, sweet stat distribution.
  • Loadouts for Days: Create and switch between loadouts in DIM. Tag items as junk or favorites, and compare stats to keep only the best.
  • Dupes Be Gone: Use DIM's 'is:dupe' feature to highlight duplicate items. Keep the ones with the perks that make your enemies weep and dismantle the rest.

Infusion and Dismantling Decisions:

  • To Infuse or Not to Infuse: Hoard those Masterwork Cores for when they really matter. Don't infuse every piece of gear you stumble upon; save those resources for the big leagues.
  • Legendary and Exotic Choices: Dismantling these can give you materials for those crucial infusions, but remember, once they're gone, they're gone. Weigh their utility against your needs before breaking them down.
  • Keepers and Sleepers: High-stat armor and weapons with perks that make you feel like a superhero? Keep 'em. Low-stat gear? Say your goodbyes. Set a minimum stat value for dismantling based on how much you play and how much you love to hoard.

Remember, Guardians, your loot is your lifeline in Destiny 2. Prioritize, organize, and optimize. Keep those vaults clean, your gear top-notch, and your power level climbing. Now, go show the cosmos what you're made of!

Maximizing Loot Drops in Various Activities

Guardians, ready to boost your loot drops to the max? Let's get into the nitty-gritty of squeezing every last bit of treasure from Destiny 2's activities. With the right approach, you'll be swimming in enhancement cores, crafting materials, and those sweet, sweet exotics. Here's how to maximize your loot drops across a variety of activities:

Strikes, Crucible, and Gambit: Your Loot-Boosting Playgrounds

  • Enhancement Galore: Diving into Strikes, Crucible, and Gambit isn't just about the thrill of the fight; it's a goldmine for enhancement cores, upgrade modules, and crafting materials. Keep an eye out for those rally flags and resonant doritos, too.
  • Rank and File: Push for those rank resets, Guardians. They're your ticket to a loot bonanza, often dropping multiple upgrades that'll make your inventory sing.
  • Loot Goblins: Season of the Haunted introduced us to these little treasure troves. Let's rally to expand their presence, making every yearly destination a loot-filled fiesta.

Lost Sectors and High-Density Havens: Where the Loot Lurks

  • Lost Sector Loot Rotation: Mark your calendars for a 4-day rotation of old-world drop weapons in Lost Sectors. Crave guaranteed drops? Master difficulty is your friend.
  • Engram Rain Check: Hit up the Cistern (Coil) and Blind Well. Like clockwork, every 15 to 20 minutes, you'll see an Engram Wardrop. It's like Destiny's version of happy hour, but better.
  • Crowd Control: More enemies, more loot. It's that simple. The Cistern and Blind Well are swarming with foes, making them prime spots for Engram drops.

Exclusive Activities: Where the Big Loot Plays

  • Fireteam Medallions: Pop one of these bad boys for a four-hour loot extravaganza. Strikes, events, and enemy takedowns become a veritable loot piΓ±ata.
  • Pinnacle of Farming: Legendary Lost Sectors, Nightfalls, and the Vault of Glass raid are your go-to for exotic armor, Masterwork materials, and that coveted Pinnacle Gear.
  • Prophecy Dungeon: Fancy a specific weapon roll or high-stat armor? The Prophecy dungeon is your farming paradise.

And let's not forget, Guardians, some activities are better left unexplored if you're on the loot hunt. Wrathborn Hunts? They're a mixed bag of busywork and RNG, often leaving you with less-than-stellar rewards. Instead, focus on the Lightfall campaign on Legendary for those Pinnacle Gear challenges and bounties to hit the pinnacle cap. Remember, reaching a power level of 1810 is key to unlocking the best of the best. So, team up, dive into those dungeons and raids, and let the loot chase begin!

Now, go out there and let the loot chase begin, and remember, Guardians, destiny 2 is all about that sweet loot – so make every drop count with these expert tips on effectively managing your inventory optimization.

The Role of Exotic and Legendary Items

When it comes to the high-stakes world of Destiny 2, knowing the ins and outs of your Exotic and Legendary loot can be the difference between being a spacefaring hero and cosmic dust. So, let's break down the role of these game-changers and how they can revolutionize your gameplay.

Exotic Items: The Cream of the Crop

  • Unique Abilities: Exotic gear isn't just fancy; it's functional. These items often come with special abilities and perks that you won't find on your everyday Legendary gear. Picture a helmet that blinds enemies on entry – that's the kind of game-changing power we're talking about.
  • Stat Bonanza: Exotic armor pieces aren't just about looks; they pack a punch with higher base and intrinsic stats. This means they can significantly influence the distribution of your other stats, making you a more formidable Guardian.
  • Cosmetic Customization: Remember those Exotic class items from the original Destiny with their sweet faction rep boosts? Bringing them back could add a whole new layer of style and substance to your endgame challenges.

Legendary Items: Your Trusty Toolkit

  • General Bonuses: Legendary items may not have the unique perks of Exotics, but they offer a range of general bonuses that can be just as vital to your success.
  • Personal Taste and Play Style: Whether you're a fan of Exotic special weapons or you've got a Legendary that fits your playstyle like a glove, the choice is yours. It's all about finding what works for you and your team.

Light and Level Caps, and Loadout Limitations

  • Power Limits: Exotic armor can reach up to 30 light, while most Legendary armor caps at 27, excluding Raid gear. This means Exotics can give you that extra edge in the toughest battles.
  • Unique Weapon Abilities: Exotic weapons typically have abilities that set them apart from Legendary ones – but don't forget, it's all about how they fit into your personal arsenal.
  • One Exotic at a Time: A significant quirk of Exotic gear is that you can only equip one Exotic weapon and one piece of Exotic armor at a time. This can throw a wrench in your plans when dealing with elemental burns or needing a specific loadout, so choose wisely!

By understanding the distinct roles and capabilities of Exotic and Legendary items, you can tailor your Guardian to face any challenge that comes your way in Destiny 2. Remember, Guardians, it's not just about having the gear; it's about knowing how to use it for inventory optimization and to effectively manage your arsenal. Now, with these expert tips in your back pocket, go forth and let your legend grow!

Masterworking and Infusion Explained

In the cosmos of Destiny 2, mastering the art of infusion and understanding the nuances of masterworking can be as crucial as landing a headshot in the Crucible. Let's gear up and break down these vital components to ensure your weapons and armor are in tip-top shape for whatever the universe throws at you.

Infusion: Powering Up Your Gear

  • The Basics: Infusion allows you to upgrade the power level of your gear, ensuring you're not left in the dust during high-stakes activities. You'll need an item of the same type but with a higher power level to infuse into your chosen gear. Think of it as feeding your gear a power-packed snack.
  • Cost-Effective Infusion:
    • Same-item Infusion: The most economical option. If you have two identical items, the infusion cost is minimalβ€”just a bit of Glimmer and a pat on the back for being resourceful.
    • Non-identical Infusion: Got a mix of gear? Expect to fork over additional resources like Legendary Shards and Enhancement Cores, especially if the items are from different families.
    • Exotic Exceptions: Sometimes, an Exotic piece is worth sacrificing for the greater good. If it's got the perks and power you need, and you've got the extra materials, go for it.

Masterworking: The Fine Art of Perfection

  • Why Masterwork: Masterworking your gear is like giving it a VIP pass to the elite club of weaponry. You'll unlock additional stat bonuses, generate orbs on multikills, and add a shiny gold border because who doesn't like a bit of bling?
  • Resource Investment: It's not cheapβ€”expect to invest a hefty sum of Enhancement Cores, Prisms, and Ascendant Shards. But the payoff? Worth every last Glimmer.

Strategic Considerations for Infusion and Masterworking

  • Selective Infusion: Don't rush to infuse every piece of gear you find. Save those resources for when you really need them, like for the Last Wish raid or Iron Banner, where your power level can make or break your success.
  • Smart Masterworking: Prioritize masterworking items that align with your playstyle and the current Destiny 2 meta. This ensures you're not just throwing materials into the void.

Remember, Guardians, in the world of Destiny 2, effectively managing your inventory optimization includes being strategic with your infusions and masterworks. Keep these expert tips in mind, and you'll be on your way to becoming the most formidable Guardian in the galaxy. Now, gear up and let's take on the darkness with all the power you've harnessed!

Leveraging the Vault for Long-term Storage

Hey there, Guardians! Let's talk about leveraging the Vault for long-term storage in Destiny 2. Think of the Vault as your personal armory in the sky – a place where you can stash all your precious loot until you're ready to become legend. Here's how to make the most of it:

Navigating to the Vault

First off, you'll find the Vault in the Tower, specifically in those large towers smack in the middle. It's like the central bank of your Destiny 2 universe.

Vault Organization

  • Three Main Sections: Your Vault is neatly divided into armor, weapons, and general sections, so you can organize your loot just the way you like it.
  • Storage Capacity: You've got a whopping 500 slots to play with, so go ahead and hoard to your heart's content.

What Goes in the Vault?

  • Weapons and Armor: That god-roll weapon or that armor with the perfect stat distribution? If you're not using it right now, vault it!
  • Resources and Materials: Got stacks of planetary materials or other resources? Keep them in the Vault to free up space in your inventory.
  • Consumables: You can store up to 50 consumables in your inventory, but why limit yourself? The Vault has room for more, so stock up for the future.

Managing Your Vault

  • Bungie's Apps: Use the Destiny Companion App or the Destiny Item Manager (DIM) app to manage your vault without even being in the game. It's like having a remote control for your loot.
  • Review Later: Not sure about an item? Stash it in the Vault and decide its fate later. No rush – your loot isn't going anywhere.

Remember, effectively manage your Destiny 2 loot by utilizing the Vault for those items you might need down the road. With these expert tips, you'll have inventory optimization down to an art. Keep your gear safe and your inventory clean, and you'll be ready for whatever adventure awaits!

Joining Clans and Collaborative Play for Better Loot

Rolling solo in Destiny 2 can be a blast, but if you're looking to amp up your loot game, joining a clan is like hitting the jackpot. Here's the lowdown on how teaming up can lead to better gear and a richer experience:

Powerful Engrams and Clan XP:

  • Weekly Goals: Hit the ground running with your clanmates and contribute to the clan XP. Rack up points by engaging in raids, crucible matches, strikes, and world activities. Once you contribute enough XP, powerful engrams will be yours for the taking.
  • Team Effort: Even if you're not the one completing an activity, as long as half of your fireteam are clan buddies, you'll still reap some rewards. It's like getting a slice of the loot pie without even lifting a finger.

Clan Banners and Rewards:

  • XP Bonuses: As your clan levels up from all that sweet XP you're collectively earning, your clan banner gets buffed with additional effects. It's like your clan's battle standard just got an upgrade, and it benefits everyone.
  • Seasonal Resets: Keep in mind, though, with each seasonal reset, your clan's XP and level will hit the refresh button. It's a clean slate, so get ready to grind and climb back up to the top.

Community and Culture:

  • Show Your Colors: Clans aren't just about the loot; they're a way to showcase your style and values in-game and on Your clan profile, identity, banner, and roster are all platforms to express your collective vibe.
  • Joining Up: Ready to be part of the clan scene? Jump into the Destiny Companion on or the mobile app, and start your clan adventure. Remember, you need at least two members to kick things off and begin earning that precious clan XP.
  • Rank Up: Engaging with the community, climbing those Guardian ranks, and snagging titles are all part of the journey to becoming a powerhouse player in Destiny 2. It's not just about the gear; it's about the glory.

So, Guardians, if you're all about that loot life and looking for a squad to roll with, consider the clan way. It's about more than just inventory optimization; it's about building bonds that transcend the digital realm. Get out there, find your crew, and let the lootβ€”and friendshipsβ€”flow!


Through this insightful trek across the expanses of Destiny 2's loot management, we've illuminated the pathways for Guardians to optimize their inventories and elevate their power levels. From harnessing the might of Exotic and Legendary items to fine-tuning with infusion and masterworking, the strategies laid out serve as a compass towards inventory excellence. Reflect on the tactics shared, from judiciously storing precious gear in the Vault to the communal benefits of clan collaboration, and you're now equipped to navigate the universe's challenges with prowess and precision.

Embrace these teachings as you craft your legacy amidst the stars, and remember, the key to conquering Destiny 2's frontier is not just in gathering loot but in mastering its management. Let the knowledge contained here be the bedrock of your Dominion over Destiny's intricate world, and should your journey require further alliance, join forces with fellow Guardians to unlock the full potential of your arsenal. Together, with vigilance and strategy, ascend to the pinnacle of what it means to be a Guardian.

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